
2011-07-12 Tweet Stream - @m_cetera LIVE from Hearing July 12 and 13

For previous coverage of Julian Assange extradition trials by Mirjam Eikelboom see here. Follow @m_cetera on Twitter for coverage on July 12 and 13.

Chirpstory of @m_cetera's coverage below.

2011-07-12 Tweet Stream - Julian #Assange's hearing on July 12 & 13 #wjul

Archive - Official Publications and Announcements

Archive - Featured Tweets

  • 2011-07-13: AlexiMostrous
    #Assange just passed a smiley face doodle on a post-it to John Pilger.
  • 2011-07-13: AlexiMostrous
    Judge asks why #assange wasn't interviewed over phone. "Why does judicial corporation not entail...sensible steps to get on with it"?
  • 2011-07-13: m_cetera
    Under Swedish law, the interview that's required, could take place outside of Sweden, by telephone, writing. #wljul
  • 2011-07-13: amberlymellow
    Earlier she stressed the word "accused" was never mentioned on EAW RT @auerfeld M: language of eaw "unmistakably that of accusation" #wljul
  • 2011-07-13: m_cetera
    Defense: reasonable grounds for Assange to believe there was consent: consensual sex before and after. #wljul
  • 2011-07-13: eastendlady
    #wljul #assange judge.. what happened initially not consent. that it went on may be important for us [judges] for dual criminality

Archive - Videos

  • 2011-07-13: Reuters: Assange arrives at court
    Julian Assange arrives at court on the second day of extradition hearing.
  • 2011-07-12: The Alyona Show: New Julian Assange Appeal
    Kevin Zeese : fear of extradition to the U.S. is legitimate, Sweden and U.S. have close ties.

Archive - Press Coverage

  • 2011-10-02: SMH: Moment of truth
    Moment of truth for WikiLeaks as a decision concerning Julian Assange's extradition approaches. The most recent WikiLeaks' developments and the Assange case summarized and analyzed by Guy Rundle.
  • 2011-07-15: Griffith Review: The Assange appeal and News of the World scandal
    Article by british journalist Barbara Gunnell, who was present at the hearing. Comment on press reports that followed, defense team's legal strategy and reduced media presence, due to focus on phone hacking case.
  • 2011-07-15: ZDNet: Assange journalist almost undone by Desire
    A journalist almost got in trouble with the law after he took a picture with his HTC Desire during the extradition appeal hearing. Includes a very brief but accurate summary of the court proceedings.

2011-04-19 WikiLeaks Notes: Manning to be moved to Fort Leavenworth, upcoming events

ImageBradley Manning moving to Fort Leavenworth

'US officials' say private Bradley Manning is being moved to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas according to the Associated Press. An announcement is expected tomorrow at the Pentagon. "The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the move has not yet been made public."

Fort Leavenworth is home to the United States Disciplinary Barracks, the U.S. military's only maximum-security facility, which houses male service members convicted at court-martial for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. According to Wikipedia, only enlisted prisoners with sentences over five years, commissioned officers, and prisoners convicted of offenses related to national security are confined to the USDB. Manning is still awaiting trial. Midwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility, opened October 5, 2010, is also on the Fort Leavenworth site and may be the one Manning is headed to.

Press briefing at the Pentagon contained the following:

  • Manning's pretrial period is expected to continue a very long time yet. Repeated many times.
  • Manning's conditions to be determined by assessment of his mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
  • The move is because of the duration of his incarceration and the expected future duration.
  • Best question: How can you say his conditions at Quantico had nothing to do with his move if you are looking for a 'better' place?

How Not To Conduct a Smear Campaign By Accident

It has been 76 days since the news initially broke on August 20th about the Julian Assange rape allegations. It must be said it is getting to look a little bit suspicious. Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny keeps issuing the same press release, intimating that a clear decision may come at any time, but may take a while too.

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