Setting up death threats against Julian Assange as domain names is a new fad. Just don't try setting up "" or "". The site is devoted to tracking these explicit threat domain names. At the moment it lists 6 domains of the "kill Assange" variety.
Here's a summary of coverage:
From the above HuffPo item:
Go Daddy, the site which registered both and said there is nothing that can be done about either site while they are contentless. Go Daddy registers a domain name every .8 seconds -- any domain name can be registered and there is no human intervention.
Setting up death threats against Julian Assange in the form of a domain name is the new fad. Just don't try setting up "" or "". The site is devoted to tracking these explicit threat domain names. At the moment it lists 6 domains of the "kill Assange" variety.
Here's a summary of coverage:
From the above HuffPo item:
Go Daddy, the site which registered both and said there is nothing that can be done about either site while they are contentless. Go Daddy registers a domain name every .8 seconds -- any domain name can be registered and there is no human intervention.
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