As reported by the BBC, The Sydney Morning Herald and The
Guardian rallies in support of Wikileaks and Julian Assange were held world wide. As a snapshot of the magnitude of rallies and Wikileaks' increasingly popular transparency movement the following is a list of "known" rallies held in the past 48 hours.
1. Buenous Aires Where a group of supporters rallied for ' liberación de Julian Assange.
2. Lisbon Where a rally encompassing all ages and backgrounds toted Assange posters.
3. Madrid Hundreds protested outside of the British Embassy, calling for the release of Assange.
4. Sydney Well over a thousand supporters gathered to call for the release of Julian Assange.
5. Melbourne Adding their voices to the call "Free Assange"
6. Perth Another Australian crowd in defense of their countrymen.
7. Frankfurt Held a small rally in support of Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
8. London In a rather humorous reversal, the London rally saw more "press" than actual supporters; showing again, the insatiable appetite of the press for scandal and drama.
9. Minneapolis Held a small rally in support of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
10. Amsterdam Co-Sponsored
by the Pirate Party International.
There were protests also in: Berlin, Mexico City, Lima, and Sao Palo, though information on how many supporters attended could not be verified.
The support for Julian Assange is truly a global phenomenon; never before has the world seen such an eclectic collection of people voicing their outcry. The sense of injustice palatable. To put this into context, Julian Assange has been incarcerated for 1 week and already the protests are global. It would be safe to speculate with the delay of 48 hours of Assange's release the protests will swell. And If the Swedish prosecution is successful in their bid to have the bail requirements reversed; the international protests will truly be epic in their proportions.
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