2012-04-21 #WikiLeaks news update: WikiLeaks lawyer on "inhibited" list; Bradley Manning support events; Other news

WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 504 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 501 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 698 days.
A secret Grand Jury has been active in the U.S. without transparency for 584 days.

WikiLeaks News:

  • WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson was delayed at Heathrow Airport, being told she had been put on an "inhibited" list for apparently doing "something controversial." Australian Attorney-Genreal Nicola Roxon denied involvement with her placement on the list and said she is investigating the matter. Meanwhile, Australian citizens protested outside a law conference which both Roxon and Robinson were attending. Crikey has also put out a rather amusing comic about the incident. Watch an interview with Robinson on the matter below:
  • WikiLeaks supporters in the U.S., including Daniel Ellsberg and John Parry Barlow, have announced plans to start a foundation aimed at funding organizations, such as WikiLeaks, who have been cut off by major banks and credit card companies.
  • Nearly 5 months after WikiLeaks released the Spy Files, the European Parliament approved a resolution which says there much be rules for firms exporting internet censorship tools.
  • Jacob Appelbaum was on Democracy Now! to discuss his difficulties in traveling after speaking about WikiLeaks at the HOPE conference, as well as maintaining anonymity by using such things as Tor.
  • A panel entitled, "WikiLeaks, Assange, and Defending Democracy" was held in Melbourne with speakers Lizzie O'Shea, Scott Ludlam, Bernard Keane, Greg Barns, and Suelette Dreyfus. Full video is available via the WikiLeaks Australian Citizen's Alliance. See also summaries of the event by Green Left Weekly and WSWS.

Julian Assange News:

  • Julian Assange has now been detained for 500 days without charge.

World Tomorrow banner

  • The official website of "The World Tomorrow" has been updated with a brand new layout.
  • Salon's Glenn Greenwald was on RT discussing the American media reaction to the premiere of "The World Tomorrow."
  • Two photos of Julian Assange have been installed at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. It is expected to have been done by pranksters or museum insiders.
  • Newcastle Trades Hall Secretary Gary Kennedy gave an interview where he expressed his opinion that the Australian government needs to do everything it can to protect Julian Assange.

Bradley Manning News:

  • Bradley Manning's next set of motion hearings begins Tuesday, April 24th. Support events are planned for him worldwide all throughout the week.
  • Bradley Manning's defense team has publically released its motions after receiving authorization to do so.
  • Crosby, Stills, & Nash is touring again, partly to perform their new song about Bradley Manning, "Almost Gone." Watch the music video for the song below.
  • Seven were arrested outside of Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, while protesting against the treatment of Bradley Manning.
  • After raising enough funds from supporters, 21 posters for a Bradley Manning campaign will be put up around the Washington D.C. metro subway system.
  • The Guardian reviewed "The Radicalization of Bradley Manning," a play about the soldier's life currently be performed around Wales, giving it 3 stars out of 5.


Upcoming Dates & Events:

April 20-28: Performances of "The Radicalization of Bradley Manning" held between these dates in schools across Wales.

April 23: Bradley Manning's 700th day of imprisonment without trial.

April 24-26: Bradley Manning's next set of pre-trial hearings. Support events planned worldwide.

April 27-28: Kristinn Hrafnsson to speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy at panels "Whistleblowers and anonymous leaks: can the media do without them?" (27/4) and "Dossier WikiLeaks. Segreti italiani" (28/4).

May 23: Julian Assange to speak at Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 in The Netherlands.

May 27: "Incident in New Baghdad" to air on The Documentary Channel, 8PM.

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