WikiLeaks has been financially blockaded without process for 448 days.
Julian Assange has been detained without charge for 445 days.
Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without trial for 642 days.
- Bradley Manning had his arraignment on February 23, which lasted 45 minutes. Some key developments are as follows:
- Bradley deferred both his plea as well as his decision to be tried by judge or panel.
- The prosecution requested a trial date of August 3rd, which would have Bradley at over 800 days of pre-trial confinement.
- The next court session is scheduled for March 15.
For in-depth coverage of the arraignment, see Alexa O'Brien's transcript and Kevin Gosztola's live-blog.
(Links for further coverage available at the end of this update.)
- Mastercard confirmed it will be maintaining its financial blockade of WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks supporters are planning a day of action against the blockade.
- Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt says he is worried about a smear campaign against Sweden by WikiLeaks, which Swedish tabloid Expressen claims to know about due to an internal memo it received. Professor Ferrada-noli has analysed Expressen's claims in a recent article. A reference document is also available which contains all articles, tweets, and relevant information regarding the claims.
- An article in Salon looks at the next steps for Julian Assange regarding his upcoming extradition verdict, his TV show in March, and the just-released WikiLeaks insurance file.
- Pink Floyd's Roger Waters sent out a message voicing his support for Bradley Manning and calling on others to do the same. Last December in a Rolling Stone interview, Waters said he believed WikiLeaks to be a "fundamentally important thing" which we should not allow to go away.
- Bradley Manning has been nominated for Global Exchange's Human Rights Award. You can vote for Bradley at their website.
- Center for Constitutional Rights' Bill Quigley has written an article about Bradley Manning, solitary confinement, and Occupy 4 Prisoners.
- Theodor Reppe, owner of "wikileaks.de", has been acquitted of all charges related to dissemination of child pornography.
- In a video interview, WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson answered a question about the general state of world-wide apathy.
Cablegate Coverage:
- Colombia: The U.S. Embassy in Bogota acknowledges 257,089 registered victims of the paramilitaries, which continue to work with the U.S.-supported Colombian military.
- Iran: A cable shows that current warnings about Iran and its nuclear capabilities are not too different from the warnings in 2005.
- WikiLeaks Press has released its coverage of all Cablegate-related news from February 2 to 8.
Further Coverage of Bradley Manning's Arraignment:
- Logan Price's article on Bradley's quest for justice.
- Bradley Manning Support Network's coverage of the arraignment.
- PBS Frontline's Arun Roth's analysis of the prosecution's decision to decline "aiding the enemy" as a capital offense, as well as the possibility and implications of a plea deal.
- Video: Bradley Manning Support Network's Kevin Zeese on RTAmerica.
Upcoming Dates & Events:
February 26: The announcement of Academy Awards. "Incident in New Baghdad", a documentary on 'Collateral Murder,' is in the running for 'Documentary Short Subject.'
March 1: Julian Assange will host a Q&A on "Europe's Last Dictator," 6:30PM at The Old Vic Tunnels, London.
*NEW* March 8: Daniel Ellsberg will speak at Princeton University at an event called "Secrets, Lies, and Leaks: From the Pentagon Papers to WikiLeaks."
March 15: Bradley Manning's next court appearance.
April 25: Kristinn Hrafnsson to speak at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.
May 23: Julian Assange to speak at Enterprise Information Management Congress 2012 in The Netherlands.
May 27: "Incident in New Baghdad" to air on The Documentary Channel, 8PM.