What we ask for is humble — the right to not be shipped off to foreign lands without formal charges or the presentation of even the most basic evidence. - Julian Assange
This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.
The Spy Files map has been upgraded with links to current releases’ files.
Bradley Manning’s defense published a list of requested witnesses for the Article 32 pretrial that will begin on December 17. Names and certain parts of the text are redacted, but the content of the testimonies can, for the most part, easily be understood. 48 witnesses are listed, the description of Witness no.36 refers to US President Obama, while numbers 35 and 38 refer to Hillary Clinton and Adrian Lamo, respectively. [via @CassPF]
Tomorrow, a decision is to be announced regarding Julian Assange’s application for a Supreme Court appeal against extradition to Sweden. He will have spent 363 under house arrest without charge, 2 days short of an entire year.
Liberté Info launched a “Free Assange Now” campaign. In the informative page dedicated to this campaign, you will find details on how to contact your MP today, before an historical debate and vote on reform of extradition rules, that will coincide with Julian Assange’s next court hearing (tomorrow). More information at swedenvsassange.com/Action
- to donate to the Julian Assange Defense Fund or the Bradley Manning Defense Fund visit swedenvsassange.com/Donate
Veterans for Peace (UK) have planned a Vigil in support Julian Assange, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London where his extradition hearing is to take place, 8:30AM, Monday 5 December:
“Julian Assange supports us and we feel that we should do the same. Assange gave us a whole new perspective on how our governments work behind closed doors with countless illegal acts including kidnapping, crimes against humanity, renditions, murder and much more. We owe it to him to show that he is not alone.”
In Brisbane, a Vigil is also planned for the same day, from 11 AM-1:30 PM, outside the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Only if Julian Assange is denied appeal to the Supreme Court:
a rally will be held the following day, December 6, from 5:30-7:30 PM, at Brisbane Square.
Protests are planned at the US Consulate in Sydney and Melbourne, also starting at 5:30 PM.
On December 17: Anonymous’ OpHorizon will commemorate 3 important dates: the three months that will have passed since the beginning of the Occupy movement; the one-year anniversary of the death of Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian man whose self-immolation initiated the first of protests which became the Tunisian Revolution, and eventually cascaded into the Arab Spring and Bradley Manning’s 24th birthday.
UPDATED Action Campaigns
- If you live in Australia: click here to complain to the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) about the Banking Blockade against WikiLeaks.
Julian Assange
362 days under house arrest without charge.
- new Contact your MP ahead of the December 5 historical debate on extradition, so that Julian Assange’s appeal may have an increased chance to proceed to the Supreme Court.
- new Vigils are planned on the occasion of Julian Assange’s next hearing (December 5) in London and Brisbane. On December 6, only if the appeal is denied Supreme Court evaluation, protests are planned in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
- Send at least one of the several call to action draft letters addressed to European organizations and Members of the European Parliament requesting action over the unjust treatment of Julian Assange.
Bradley Manning
557 days detained without trial.
- new A challenge proposed by the Bradley Manning Support Network: Stand with Bradley until his trial is over - pledge a monthly donation for the length of the trial. For more details see bradleymanning.org
- Learn how you can attend the Rally, Vigil and March for Bradley Manning scheduled on the first day of his pretrial hearing, December 16 at bradleymanning.org
- And on his 24th birthday, December 17:
write or send small gifts to Bradley Manning, contribute to his defense with a donation or participate in the Global Vigil planned to mark this occasion.
Rudolf Elmer
- Liberté Info started a campaign to make whistleblower Rudolf Elmer’s trial an international issue. The campaign page is constantly updated with new developments on his case. Readers are encouraged to share.
WikiLeaks Events in the month of December
Click to enlarge.
December 1: WikiLeaks hosted an important press conference in Central London, where cooperation between Mass Surveillance Industry and Governments was exposed.
December 3: Julian Assange spoke on the topic “Democracy and Wikileaks: The Trickledown Effect” at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit.
December 5: Public hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice (London) to determine whether Julian Assange’s appeal will proceed to the Supreme Court. A Demo planned outside the Courts, starting at 9AM.
Brisbane: Vigil outside the Department of Foreign Affairs, from 11 AM-1:30 PM.
December 6: Only if Julian Assange’s extradition appeal is denied, protests are planned in Sydney and Melbourne (US Consulate, 5:30 PM).
December 7: Julian Assange will have spent a year under house arrest without charge.
December 8: Kristinn Hrafnsson and founder of the Center for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen will host a WikiLeaks related panel in Bratislava.
December 16: A pretrial hearing for Bradley Manning is scheduled to begin at Fort Meade (Maryland) and is expected to last five days. Supporters will gather outside the Court.
December 17: Global Vigil for Bradley Manning on his 24th Birthday:
Saturday, December 17 · 12:00am - 11:30pm
[For more details, see Vigil for Bradley Manning on his 24th Birthday's facebook page.]
Send small gifts and birthday cards to the following address
Bradley Manning 89289
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 6602
December 17: Anonymous’ OpHorizon.