The international community was once again surprised by the action of @Lulzsec after the reporter Sean Hoare, the first person to blow the whistle on the News of the World editor Andy Coulson, who was linked to the paper's phone hacking scandal, was found dead in his home Watford, England on Monday. Hoare was an entertainment reporter for News of the World and The Sun media outlets.
Continuing their crusade for transparency and against corruption, The Lulz Boat crew hacked the page of The Sun newspaper, so that it displayed an article announcing the death of Rupert Murdoch, head of News Corp, the massive media company that operates in the United States, the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Australia, Asia and Latin America, and to which The Sun belongs to. Subsequently, the same newspaper page redirected the visitors to the Twitter feed @LulzSec, who gained tens of thousands of new followers in a few hours.
Murdoch, aged 80, has said to have ingested a large quantity of palladium before stumbling into his famous topiary garden last night, passing out in the early hours of the morning.
Another officer reveals that Murdoch was found slumped over a particulary large garden hedge fashioned into a galloping horse. "His favourite", a butler, Davidson, reports.
The group of Internet activists @LulzSec derived from the Anonymous collective, has grown massively by showing just how fragile the security structure of contemporary cybernetics is. More than simply hacking systems, the group demonstrates a somewhat heroic ideology guiding its actions. The struggle to end corruption, both in governments and private institutions, the seek for transparency in order to wake the global population up to a daily routine of greater engagement and activism is making the Lulz Boat (not to be confused with the Louise Boat ) the herald of freedom worldwide.
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