2011-03-21 #Bahrain March 1 to March 21 Coverage

WL Central will be updating news on Bahrain, with new items added at the top. All times are ET in USA. You can contact me on twitter @carwinb or by email at carwinb@hushmail.com. Don't send media when links available. Most email is not encrypted and not anonymous. I cannot guarantee anyone's safety in transmission.

Current time and date in Manama, Bahrain:

Send Arabic #firstaid images by MMS/SMS/email or print as fliers usng http://bit.ly/gv3tS #Bahrain.

See continuing March or February WL Coverage of Bahrain.

MONDAY, March 21

  • amworldtodaypm speaks to Hasan who says the missing in Bahrain are turning up dead.


  • Unconfirmed reports that the following medical doctors have been arrested: Dr. Mahmood Asghar, Dr. Ali AlEkri, Dr. Bassem Dhaif, and Dr. Ghassan Dhaif
  • According to Al Wefaq, more than 100 people are missing. More than 50 people have gone into hiding due to arrest attempts on them. (Source: Facebook Profile:Freedom to Bahrain)
  • The family of Bahia Al- Aradi, a nurse, say she is clinically dead. Two days ago she was shot through her neck on her way to work in her car. Unconfirmed reports that she was taken GCC forces to the military hospital in what may have been an attempt to cover up the crime. She died today.

  • For the last three days cries of dissent are reported to have been heard for nearly 15 minutes each night: The chant heard was "God is Great! God is Great! God is Great!" One source told us that the experience was "frightening but truly amazing"
  • Bahrain FM Khalid Al-Khalifa responeds to CBS Journalist Toula Vlahou on being attacked by police:

SUNDAY, March 20

  • Father of the Abdul al Rasul Hassan Ali al Hujairi, a nurse, who was shot by Saudi Wahhabi on March 20, speaking to Al Jazeera News:

  • Riot police break into S.Yousif's home

    "A group of riot police and masked civilians broke into S.Yousif's house - a human rights activist last night at 2:30 am but he was not there at the time. they inspected and checked all rooms in his house and missed things up. (Source: Facebook Profile: Bahrain Center for Human Rights)

SATURDAY, March 19

  • Police destroying vehicles in unidentified villages of Bahrain (Both videos uploaded March 19)

  • Image

    via @MohdRadhi

FRIDAY, March 18

  • Bahrain army kidnapping injured patients at Salmaniya Hospital

    According to Facebook: Freedom to Bahrain

    The army is taking all the admitted and injured citizens in the surgical wards one by one by ambulances to BDF (Bahrain Defense Force) hospital. They are taking their files and notes away from the wards, deleting all the informations from the computers. They have given warnings to the expats nurses if they opened their mouth talking about this issue.

    They have locked one of the accesses to the lifts to that building leading to the surgical/ orthopedic wards. The only access to the building is guarded by the armed personnels, not letting any access except after thorough check. The atmosphere in the hospital is frightening and unsecured as the doctors and nurses are telling me.

  • We all think that tomorrow some NGO's are coming to visit the Salmaniya hospital to see the injured citizens. For this reason they are hiding all the evidences, by transferring the patients to BDF hospital and hiding/ or eradicating all their notes.

    Please call all the NGOs let them know about this issue. Likely that the Red crescent from Kuwait or elsewhere or red cross are coming. We are sure that they will not let any honest/ noble person join these people.

  • Image

    *Photo of three of the medical staff raise their hands up to pry for mercy from Facebook: Freedom to Bahrain

  • According to Facebook: Freedom to Bahrain, " It had been confirmed that the injured who were taken from the hospital had been transferred to a prison called “The Dry Dock” or in Arabic “Hawd Al-Jaff”. The prison is located in an area not inhabited by anyone."
  • Thousands of Bahrainis are reported to have "gathered for the funeral of Ahmed Farhan, a 29-year-old demonstrator slain Tuesday in the town of Sitra hours after the king declared martial law in response to a month of escalating protests. Sitra, the hub of Bahrain's oil industry, has been the site of the worst confrontations." (Source: a href="http://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Bahrain-army-demolishes-monument-at-Pearl-Square-1187027.php#ixzz1H1PMNlnV">TimesUnion.com)

THURSDAY, March 17

  • Helicopters firing on Manama, Bahrain (Uploaded March 17)

  • Police brutality at checkpoint in Saar on March 17, 2011. We do not know the fate of this man.

  • Bahrain police killing people in drive by shootings (Reported March 17 by redactednews.com)

  • Unconfirmed reports that Dr. Ali Ekry was arrested while doing an operation in a Salmaniya Hospital by 15 members of the security forces. They took him to an unknown location.
  • Reports coming out of Bahrain tonight that healthcare workers are unable to help the injured and wounded. Oxygen and many types of medicine needed to provide treatment to the seriously injured.


  • Lulu Leveled


  • Advisor to Supreme Judicial Council of Bahrain, Sh Ahmed Al Asfoor, resigns.

    Resignation Letter from Justice Minister (Source: alwasatnews.com)

  • Unconfirmed report that more than 40 people are missing since March 16, 2011 in Bahrain.

  • Man deliberately run over near the roundabout when he went to collect his car on March 17 2011

  • Bahrain helicopter fully armed on Mar 16 2011

  • Unarmed, yielding protester shot.
  • She was in her house and got shot by Saudi troops on March 16 2011

  • Security forces destroy cars to blame unarmed protesters. March 16 2011

  • Helicopter near Salmaniya Hospital en route to Lulu Roundabout
  • Attack on the people of Qadam (Budya) Bahrain by the Saudi army. Dozens were injured by live bullets from snipers. The attack came on the morning of March 16 2011.

  • Al Khalifa thugs nurses with sticks on March 16, 2011

  • Attack on the nurses. Reported to have suffered fractures to the pelvis and spine as a result of severe beatings on March 16, 2011

  • Bahrain police stamp on man's head then bundle his body into police car in Sitra, Bahrain.

    • A nightmare of war crimes in Bahrain today as cobra and other armed helicopters are reported to have fired on unarmed protesters on the ground. One witness reported that 9 people were shot.



      *More images of victims here.

      Barhaini police, supported by helicopters and tanks, continued their terror campaign by chasing down individuals in besieged suburbs. One man was beat and shot at close range.

      Police supported by tanks, armored personnel carriers, and helicopters moved into Lulu Roundabout at 7am Bahraini time firing tear gas and setting fire to tents. People running from the scene were shot at with a rain of tear gas and hunted down by police, who had blocked all egress and forced upon anyone approaching the roundabout. Multiple protesters killed, by gun fire and other weapons.

      Lulu Square, Morning

      Security forces block off access to the hospitals denying protesters medical treatment. Reports of police storming hospitals and slashing ambulance tires. According to a report on CNN, a doctor at Salmaniya Hospital says security forces stormed hospital and began beating staff.


      SMC medical staff unable to help as the complex is completely blocked by police.


      SUNDAY, March 13

      On the heels of US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates' unannounced Friday visit to Bahrain it appears that the regime has returned to a hardline stance against protesters in Lulu roundabout and in the financial district of Bahrain.
      Pro-democracy protesters blockaded the financial harbor and teachers were called to strike to protest the repetitive assaults and attacks on students throughout the p
      ast week. They protested in front of the ministry of education calling for the immediate resignation of it's minister.

      Pro-democracy Protesters Blockade Financial District


      Picture taken before Attacks of Pro-democracy Protesters


      Police have now attacked protesters and are surrounding Lulu roundabout. There are reports of tear gas, rubber projectiles, and stun grenades being used by police. Police have also reportedly removed blockades and tents erected by protesters in both the financial district and Lulu roundabout. Reports are coming out of protesters forming human chains against the police and multiple injuries.

      Tear Gas has been used against Pro-democracy Protesters


      Injured Protester


      SATURDAY, March 5

      • Clashes in Hamad Town, South of Manama

        Reports of clashes between pro-government Sunni Syrians and Shi'ite Bahrainis took place on March 4, according to a report in local pro-government daily, Al-Ayam. (Source: Herald Sun)

        WL Central has unconfirmed reports that swords, wooden sticks and rocks were used and that at least eight people injured. At least four men injuried so bad to his hand after being hit with a sword. The clash apparently started earlier in the day on Thursday between recently naturalized Arab Mercenaries family and Bahraini students at school, and escalating overnight to a neighbourhood fight between the two sides.

        Al Wefaq MP, Jawad Fairooz told the Gulf Daily News, "There is pressure from all sides and now some bad elements are deliberately carrying out such acts to sow seeds of sectarianism. Any attempt to divide the society at this juncture is critical and should be avoided by everyone." (Source: GDN)

        Unconfirmed image of a sword, purported to have been used in the skirmish via wattani.in


      • Unconfirmed reports of naturalized pro-government 'thugs' walking around Hamad town holding Al Qaeda flag, threatening residents on March 4.

        Below find an advocacy poster taken from a still of the video Link to YouTube video of "Naturalized Gunmen have Knowledge of Al Qaeda in Hamad Town (At time of post, the full video was not embed-able)


      See continuing March or February WL Coverage of Bahrain.

      Other Resources:

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