US State Cables

The calm before the great storm

When Julian Assange was arrested beginning of this week, all newspapers were all over the story. Suddenly Norwegian and Swedish media erupted in yet another frenzy regarding Assange and Wikileaks. Unfortunately that excitement seems to have died of a bit. It actually seems that it has become completely forgotten by the media at this point. I have visited some of the biggest newspapers online in Norway and Sweden and I can't find any stories regarding Assange or Wikileaks -- unless I check their weekly archive.

Cablegate Video Recap - What We've Learned So Far

Once in a while You find really dense information sources, concentrating a whole lot in just a small amount of space or time. This is one of those cases.

Normally in this space I would hold forth my lofty opinions or offer news and analysis, but this calls for an exception...

Cablegate: Zeal of Hypocrites

Extremist opposition to Wikileaks by American career politicians may not be entirely out of a stated concern for American national security. A credible argument can be made that, instead, some political self-interest might be involved

Spies Are Only Them

Watching Hilary Clinton and her cohorts threatening Wikileaks over being “terrorists” and “spies” was a laugh. As always, the comedy ended when I started looking at the amount of people online who bought into it. The propaganda and misinformation has been so complete over the years, it is frightening what people will accept now.

Look at this.

Read more ...

Cablegate: Whose Intelligence Is This Anyway?

The first wave of Wikileaks' Cablegate ground ashore Sunday night. (To search, visit's full text search site.) Coverage has been generally good. I have found Der Spiegel and The Guardian's websites invaluable.

Cablegate coverage - The New York Times


The New York Times: State's Secrets: Cables Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels

"A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at backroom bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views of foreign leaders and frank assessments of nuclear and terrorist threats.

Cablegate coverage - Le Monde


Section front page:

Le Monde: Les révélations de WikiLeaks sur les coulisses de la diplomatie américaine

Cablegate coverage - Der Spiegel


Der Spiegel - English coverage

Cablegate coverage - El País


El País: Los secretos de la diplomacia de Estados Unidos, al descubierto

Cablegate coverage - The Guardian


The Guardian: US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomacy crisis

"The United States was catapulted into a worldwide diplomatic crisis today, with the leaking to the Guardian and other international media of more than 250,000 classified cables from its embassies, many sent as recently as February this year.

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