2011-07-18 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Cablegate Releases & #WikiLeaks


This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT.

08:30 PM ‘U.S. supplied weapons “lost” by the Honduran military turned up in Mexico and Colombia’ via AlterNet.

A cable dating from 2008 documents how weapons supplied to the Honduras the U.S. Foreign Military Sales Program end up in the hands on drug trafficking organizations in Mexico and Colombia.

07:55 PM Major General Hussein Ali had been warned against shoot-to-kill order in 2008, a recently released cable titled ‘Kenya : Behind a calm façade, hardliners prepare for more violence’ shows.

"we believe that the established rules of engagement and situation-specific circumstances should continue to dictate minimal use of deadly force", U.S. ambassador Ranneberger states in the cable.

Hussein Ali is one of six suspects in the post-election violence case. Wikileaks cables will be used in court by chief prosecutor Ocampo as evidence against three other suspects.

04:45 PM Minileaks, el Wikileaks 'made in Spain' : a spanish website based on the WikiLeaks model, aiming to expose even the smallest abuses.

03:45 PM Online gallery of Wikileaks-inspired art exhibition Information is Currency.


05:00 AM The moderately critical political stance on Rupert Murdoch’s News International illegal and unethical practices and the harsh criticism directed at the whistleblowing organization Wikileaks analysed in ‘WikiLeaks vs News Ltd: Jail Murdoch, not Assange’.

04:10 AM Andy Worthington has published the third and fourth parts of a 10 part analysis of documents relating to the experiences and assessment of 114 Guantánamo prisoners released between 2002 and September 2004.
Worthington writes :
When lies and distortions are covered up on this scale, and an experimental prison built on torture and abuse remains open, even under a Democratic President who promised to close it, everyone who believes in justice should publicize what has been revealed, and, if you agree, I hope that you will share this information widely.

03:50 AM Following the efforts of a number of dedicated supporters, the National Library of Australia revised its classification of WikiLeaks as an ‘extremist website’ in their catalogue.