2011-05-25 #Europeanrevolution ignites after #spanishrevolution leads the way: massive protests happening now in France, Italy, Greece and Portugal
As the main camps in Puerta del Sol (Madrid) and Plaza Catalunya (Barcelona) prepare to pack their tents and leave on Sunday, organizers have started to spread their message to the rest of Europe. From the beginning the Internet was abuzz with proposals of a European revolution or a #globalcamp, and for that purpose thousands of blogs and independent websites have been opening, planting the roots of the protests happening now in over twenty major cities in France, Italy (full agenda and aditional information in English here) and Portugal. Greece has also taken the streets and an estimated 30 thousand people are protesting outside of Athen's Parliament as we can see from this live feed. Here you can find a live streaming of the General Assembly in Paris.

LILLE : 12h, Place de la République,
LYON : 19h Place Bellecour
BAYONNE : 18h, Place de la Mairie + camp
BORDEAUX : 19h, Place de la Victoire
BREST : 18h, Place de la Libération
CLERMONT-FERRAND : 14h, Place de Jaude
GRENOBLE : 20h, Place Victor Hugo
MARSEILLE: 18h Place Thiers cours Estienne D'orves
MONTLUçON : 14h, Place Piquand
MONTPELLIER : 18h à l'esplanade
NANCY : 19h30, Place Maginot, contact 0659827367
NANTES : 18h, Place Royale (devenue place du peuple)
NICE : 20h, Place Garibaldi
PARIS : 19h à la Bastille
PAU : 20h Place Clémenceau
PERPIGNAN : AG 19h Place République
RENNES : 19h, Place de la Mairie
ROUEN : 19h, Théatre des Arts
STRASBOURG : 19h, Place de la République
TOULOUSE : 19h Place du Capitole
TOURS : 19h, Place Jean Jaurès
LILLE : 12h, Place de la République
LYON : Campement permanent Place Bellecour
BAYONNE : 18h, Place de la Mairie
BORDEAUX : 19h, Place de la Victoire
DIJON : 19h, Place de la Libération
GRENOBLE : 20h, Place Victor Hugo
MONTPELLIER : 18h à l'esplanade
NANTES : 18h, Place Royale (devenue place du peuple)
NIMES : 19h, Maison Carrée
PARIS : 19h à la Bastille
PAU : 20h Place Clémenceau
PERPIGNAN : AG 19h Place République
STRASBOURG : 19h, Place de la République
TOULOUSE: 19h Place du Capitole
GRENOBLE : 20h, Place Victor Hugo
NIMES : 19h, Maison Carrée
PERPIGNAN : AG 19h Place République
POITIER: 19h, Place du Marché
AMIENS : 15h, Campement devant le rectorat
BORDEAUX : 19h, Place de la Victoire
GRENOBLE : 20h, Place Victor Hugo
LE HAVRE : 15h, Préfecture
LILLE : 12h, Place de la République
NIMES : 19h, Maison Carrée
PAU : Place de Verdun : 9h ou 11h (à confirmer)
PERPIGNAN : AG 19h Place République
REIMS : 15h30, Parking Herlon
STRASBOURG : Manifestation Place Kléber (horaire à venir)
TOULON 17H place de la liberté
MARSEILLE : 14h, Place Thiars - (devant le journal la Marseillaise)
PARIS : 14h, Place de la Bastille
PERPIGNAN: AG 19h Place République
REGGIO EMILIA: 17.00 Piazza Prampolini
TRIESTE: 20.00 Piazza Unità,
ROMA: Ore 19.00 - Arco di Costantino (Metro B Colosseo) (https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112154798871228),
PADOVA: 19.00 Prato Della Valle
PAVIA: 20.00 Piazza della Vittoria
PISA: 18.30 in Piazza Garibaldi
GENOVA: (From Wednesday onward), ore 21.00 Piazza De Ferrari
FERRARA: Piazza Duomo, 23.30
TRENTO: 20.00 - Piazza Duomo,
CAGLIARI: 19.00 - Piazza del Carmine
CASERTA: 21.00 Laboratorio Sociale Millepiani
TORINO: Place yet to be designated,
MILANO: 20:00 Piazza del Duomo,
BOLOGNA: 20.00 Piazza del Nettuno.,
NAPOLI: 19.00 Piazza Dante,
ANCONA: da Venerdí 27, ore 21.00 Piazza Pertini,
TERAMO: from 21:00 to 24:00 in Piazza Martiri,
TARANTO: 20.00 - Piazza della Vittoria,
VENEZIA: 18:00 Campo San Giacomo Da L'orio,
GORIZIA:18:00 - 18:30 Piazza Transalpina,
TREVISO: 20.00 - Piazza Indipendenza,
FIRENZE: 20:00, Piazza Signoria
CAGLIARI: 19.00 - Piazza del Carmine.
PERUGIA: 20:00, Piazza IV Novembre
BRESCIA: 20.00, Piazza Loggia
- London. (March) Victoria embankment - 26th May at 11.00.
- Berlin. Solidarity-Demonstrations aganist G8 Summit Deauville. Rosenthaler Platz Sunday 26th May.18:00
- Barcelona. Catalunya Square occupation continues at least until 29th May.
- Madrid. Sol Square occupation continues at least until 29th May.
- Paris. Giant Parade at Bastille Square 29th May 14h.
If you want to follow the movement on Twitter here are some active hashtags: