Are you affiliated with WikiLeaks?
No. We are an unofficial WikiLeaks resource site 'endorsed' by WikiLeaks (meaning they like us). But the association stops there. There is no affiliation. Nor should there be. The integrity and independence of this site is a primary concern of all who work here.
Click here for further information.
How do I bring information to the attention of WL Central?
How do I contribute a news article?
Contact Please clearly indicate your material is for publication and indicate the name you would like to appear as author. We will edit for style (not content) but you are expected to proofread for spelling and grammar. The decision to publish is at the discretion of WLC staff.
How do I become a reporter for WL Central?
Contact Please explain who you are, why you want to become a reporter, and send us any relevant links to your website, public posts, or other information we can verify.
Click here for further information.
This is currently the only way to apply for membership as the spam has been debilitating. If you applied for membership this year but have not yet accessed your account, please drop a line to the above address and suggest a username. Thank you.
What type of information does WL Central publish?
As our name implies, we primarily cover news related to WikiLeaks (and Julian Assange). We can also cover generic censorship and freedom of information topics, including news on technologies to censor or avoid censorship, and news about people and organisations who are censoring or being censored. We also cover news of corruption in positions of power when relevant to censored material. We practice scientific journalism: we present news in an impartial tone and rely solely on primary and verifiable sources.
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